Here is a list of some upcoming art pottery related events through the spring of 2008.

Vanishing Frontier: Rookwood, Famy and the American Indian – Cincinnati Art Museum – Cincinnati, OH – Through January 20, 2008

This exhibit presents a rare collection of Rookwood pottery, Native American artifacts and art work by Henry Farny. The exhibition includes 52 Rookwood portrait vases, plaques and mugs from the James J. Gardner Collection. There are also 40 works by Henry Farny and over 35 American Indian artifacts from the Art Museum’s permanent collection.

The Los Angeles Pottery ShowThe Pasadena Center – Pasadena, CA – February 9-10, 2008

The show includes over 95 art pottery and tile dealers in the Conference Building of The Pasadena Center. Other show highlights include book signings and verbal appraisal services. In addition to the pottery show a visit to Pasadena is not complete without a stop at the famous Greene and Greene Gamble House. The Gamble House was built in 1908 and is located in Pasadena’s arts and crafts district.

The 21st Annual Arts & Crafts Conference & Antique ShowGrove Park Inn – Asheville, NC – February 22-24, 2008

Since its beginning, the Grove Park Arts and Crafts Conference & Antique Show has been dedicated to the education of Arts and Crafts collectors.  The event is a must attend for arts and crafts enthusiasts ranging from new collectors, curators, craftsman, authors, contractors and builders, architects, designers, decorators, and craftsman or bungalow home owners. 

Greg Myroth – Just Art Pottery



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