Art Pottery

Rookwood Pottery Gray Tinting

Rookwood Pottery Gray Tinting

Fans of Rookwood Pottery likely have several pieces that have a unique tinting that is unlike any other American art pottery. The gray tinting found on some Rookwood Pottery shapes was incorporated from around 1915 through 1932. There’s been some debate about...
Teco Pottery

Teco Pottery

Teco Pottery originally began as Spring Valley Tile Works in Terra Cotta, Illinois in the late 1800s; 1881 to be exact, and was a major player in the Prairie School arts and crafts movement that was later made popular by Frank Lloyd Wright. William Day Gates could...
Looking for an American Pottery Sale?

Looking for an American Pottery Sale?

It’s not often we do a post on our sale page, but there are some incredible finds that are definitely must see. And here’s a hint: there’s even a few Roseville Pottery rare finds on sale. Take a look – Of course, the first thing I’m dying...
An Update on George E. Ohr Museum

An Update on George E. Ohr Museum

It’s been awhile since we checked in on the progress of the George E. Ohr Museum in Biloxi, MS. As many know, there had been a significant amount of construction completed on the new building when Hurricane Katrina slammed the coast in 2005. There was nothing...

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