by Donna McGill | Apr 16, 2012 | Art Pottery Shows and Events
This is the time of the year that art pottery lovers come together. The 2012 American Art Pottery Convention is gearing up and will be in Cleveland Ohio later this month. We have the schedule of events for what’s sure to be a great time. The dates for this...
by Donna McGill | Jan 18, 2012 | Buying, Selling and Collecting Art Pottery
Cowan Pottery was in business for a brief period of time; specifically, between 1912 and 1931. That’s not to say, however, that this Ohio art pottery company didn’t leave a lasting impression – it most certainly did. Founded by R. Guy Cowan, an Ohio...
by Donna McGill | Mar 23, 2011 | Miscellaneous
Sometimes we can develop a deeper appreciation for things, such as American art pottery, if we know more about the history. How did it start? Where did it start? There are some interesting facts that can truly enrich a fan’s passion for art pottery; so, after...