just art pottery

Just Art Pottery New Inventory

Just Art Pottery New Inventory

By now, many Just Art Pottery clients head straight to the new inventory page on the website. It’s where collectors get a head start on finding those rare pieces they might have been seeking for years or they might find an unexpected gem. If you’ve not visited the New...
What Art Pottery Consumers Should Expect

What Art Pottery Consumers Should Expect

There are so many American art pottery lovers who are leery about purchases they make. It’s understandable; there are plenty of unethical dealers who are less interested in maintaining the authenticity of the sector and more interested in taking the money and...
Teco Pottery

Teco Pottery

Teco Pottery originally began as Spring Valley Tile Works in Terra Cotta, Illinois in the late 1800s; 1881 to be exact, and was a major player in the Prairie School arts and crafts movement that was later made popular by Frank Lloyd Wright. William Day Gates could...

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