Art Pottery

The Unusual Weller Muskota Art Pottery
The Weller Muskota line of art pottery offers an unexpected presence, partly due to its large and varied offerings and partly because of its many themes. Production on the Weller Muskota line began in mid-1915 and while there was no definitive theme or direction the...

Mid-Century Trends in Art Pottery
Those colorful and funky designs found in what's referred to as "mid century" art pottery is often what many of us refer to as vintage; it's definitely trendy, but finding a single adjective or definition is where the challenge begins. Vintage. Mod. "1960s style". Art...

Roseville Pottery Della Robbia
Roseville Pottery, to many, is known by its more popular lines, such as Roseville Pine Cone or even the beautiful Roseville Zephyr Lily. There were many lines this pottery company released, including the lesser-known, though stunning, Roseville Della Robbia. Della...

Rookwood Pottery Flowing Glaze
"Translucent" is one adjective used to describe the Rookwood Pottery Flowing Glaze finish. It's rich, glossy and doesn't overwhelm the piece. It incorporated many colors and while they were allowed to flow together (hence, "Flowing Glaze"), one color never overwhelmed...

Roseville Pottery: Center Pieces