Art Pottery

You Choose Art Pottery Sale – 10% off and free shipping or Save 15%
We want to announce our first “you choose sale”. You are invited to take 15% off or save 10% and free shipping on everything including new additions and sale items now for the next 96 hours! Those of you wanting 15% off can use coupon code Save15. Those wanting...

Arts and Crafts Grueby, Teco, Newcomb and George Ohr Art Pottery Collection
As most of you know we are always actively buying art pottery collections and quality individual pieces. Usually, there is a lot of work involved for us in pricing collections, working out the logistics for scheduling pick up not to mention the travel and associated...

Cyber Monday Sale Starts Now – Save 15% On All Purchases

Black Friday Sale

Van Briggle Pottery – Mountain Crag Brown Glaze