Art Pottery

Roseville Pottery Reference Books
A common request I get is for recommendations on Roseville Pottery reference books. There are probably more reference books and price guides writtern on Roseville pottery than any other American or European art pottery. The Roseville price guides and...

Rookwood Pottery Marks
We receive a lot of emails asking for information on American art pottery. Rather than just responding to collector's emails I am going to try answer more of these questions in blog posts. This morning a new Rookwood pottery collector emailed asking for an...

Fake Grueby Trademark on McCoy Pottery Vase
We were recently contacted by a fellow art pottery collector who was trying to find out about the history and value of her Grueby pottery vase. When the collector emailed us photos of her vase, I recognized the piece as being a 1930s McCoy matte glaze...

Roseville Pottery Experimental and Trial Glaze Vases
Roseville pottery collectors have always actively sought after experimental and trial glaze pieces. New Roseville collectors are sometimes confused by differences between trial glazes and experimentals. Mark Bassett's Introducing Roseville Pottery explains...

Modern Teco Art Pottery Collection
We have received a lot of questions regarding the modern Teco Art Pottery Collection that we are starting to carry on Just Art Pottery. This past weekend I had the opportunity to see some of the first examples from the collection and must say they are very high...

Weller Pottery – Journal of American Art Pottery Association
Collectors of Weller Pottery will definitely want to check out the September 2007 issue of The Journal of the American Art Pottery Association. The September issue will focus entirely on Weller Pottery. The Journal's articles will include the following topics: Weller...