Rookwood Pottery collectors will definitely want to check out the March/April 2008 edition of the Journal of the American Art Pottery Association.  The issue contains over 30 photos of Rookwood painted matte vases and a very interesting article by Kathryn Scott on how she got started collecting Rookwood pottery. Pict2026

Ms. Scott’s article discusses how she ultimately found a focal point for her pottery buying by collecting works decorated by Edward Timothy Hurley.  By developing a comprehensive collection of Hurley decorated Rookwood, she was able to parallel much of the history of Rookwood pottery itself.

There is also a discussion on why she choose to collect Rookwood pottery decorated by E.T. Hurley and how she has attempted to acquire examples from each year as well as vases that were representative of Rookwood many glaze lines. At this time, she is only missing examples from three years in the 1930s.  The article also includes over photos of over 50 Rookwood exampled decorated by Hurley.

Noted author Mark Bassett also provides a book review on Rookwood and the American Indian: Masterpieces of American Art Pottery from the James J. Gardner Collection.  Mark concludes that the book is recommended reading for anyone interested in American history, cultural diversity and for all art pottery lovers.

Just Art Pottery


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