Roseville Pottery

Roseville Pottery New Additions

Roseville Pottery New Additions

There are times when rare and beautiful American art pottery finds its way to us; when it’s Roseville Pottery, it certainly adds to the excitement.  That’s exactly what’s happened over the past few weeks.  We’ve been fortunate to purchase several nice...
Roseville Pottery Facts

Roseville Pottery Facts

I’m always amazed at how many incredible facts and stories are a part of the Roseville Pottery legacy.  These important bits of information come together to define one of the most revered American pottery companies.  I’m sure even the most knowledgeable...
Buyers of Pottery Must Cater to Women

Buyers of Pottery Must Cater to Women

"Buyers of Pottery Must Cater to Women" That was a selling point made in 1905 by Roseville Pottery in an effort to drive even more demand for its very popular “mat green” finishes.  The advertisement, which can be seen in Mark Bassett’s Understanding...
Roseville Art Pottery’s Frank Ferrel

Roseville Art Pottery’s Frank Ferrel

It's always interesting to know a back story or two about the American art pottery companies that are still so sought-after by today's pottery collectors.  One of Roseville Pottery's art directors was Frank Ferrel, who came aboard in 1918 and made...

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