Roseville Pottery

Roseville Pottery: Top 10 Patterns

Roseville Pottery: Top 10 Patterns

Last weekend as I was thinking that I really need to start blogging regularly again, I decided that in conjunction with Just Art Pottery’s 10 year business anniversary I would develop a top 10 list once a week between now and the end of July. This week’s...
Roseville Matte Green Pottery

Roseville Matte Green Pottery

It is often hard to distinguish between the early arts and crafts, matte green Roseville pottery patterns Chloron, Egypto, and Matte Green.  Positive identification of these popular Roseville patterns is made more difficult due to the fact that some of the shapes...
Roseville Pottery: Top 10 Patterns

Roseville Pottery Marks – Why the X?

I just received an email from a new Roseville pottery collector asking "Is this Roseville vase a factory second because it is marked with an X?"  While Rookwood pottery, some Scandinavian makers, and many other pottery companies including contemporary...
Roseville Pottery: Top 10 Patterns

Roseville Pottery Prices

I had the pleasure of attending a Midwest art pottery estate auction last weekend.  I don’t have the opportunity to go to as many pottery auctions and shows as I used to so it was fun to get away and see the excitement of a live auction. Overall prices were...

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